A magical night in Oakland

On July 30 I performed my last show of the 2013 Summer Reading Series at the Dimond Branch of the Oakland Public Libraries. I knew I had performed a few years back, but I honestly didn’t quite remember where it was or what the makeup of the audience was like. 10 minutes before the […]
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Aug, 08, 2013
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¡Bienvenid@s! Welcome! Dear amig@s, I am excited to start this blog on juanlsanchez.com to interact with all of you. I want to take the time every other week or so to share with you pictures and stories from my shows, my travels or my thoughts on different topics. I would LOVE to hear from you […]
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Jul, 17, 2013
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A much-needed makeover

So after 15 years of doing shows for children and grown-ups all over the place, I finally came to terms with the fact that I have never paid that much attention to the way my shows looked and the kind of props that can really enhance the performance. Thankfully, about a year ago, I met […]
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- Posted in Uncategorized
Jul, 17, 2013
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